"On Pointe" is a steamy and sensual film that tells the story of Nancy, a struggling ballerina who finds herself falling for her physical therapist, Martin. As he helps her through rehabilitation, their professional relationship takes an intimate turn as he teaches her to loosen up in more ways than one. Starring the gorgeous Nancy Ace and the dashing Martin X, this film is filled with passion, desire, and breathtaking 4K UHD quality that will leave you breathless."
If you're ready to be captivated by the intense chemistry and irresistible charm of Nancy and Martin, then you won't want to miss a single second of "On Pointe." Sit back, relax, and immerse yourself in the full 42:59 of this tantalizing tale. Don't deny yourself the indulgence of experiencing their undeniable connection in all its glory. Get ready to be swept away by the allure of this unforgettable VIXEN film."
- Site: VIXEN
- Release Date: January 19, 2024
- Video Duration: 42:59
- Quality: 4K UHD