Experience the intense, thrilling tale of "Lapdog" featuring Chad Alva and Charlotte Sins. In this Pure Taboo production, Jackson (Chad Alva) plays the role of a hired watcher who becomes captivated by the gorgeous Jennifer (Charlotte Sins). As he follows her, he discovers the truth about her loyalty to her husband and offers her a tantalizing proposition that promises ultimate freedom and desire.
If you're ready for a 45-minute journey of passion and temptation in stunning 4K UHD quality, don't miss out on this captivating performance by Chad Alva and Charlotte Sins. Watch as they push boundaries and explore forbidden desires in "Lapdog". Get ready to indulge in a world where seduction and liberation collide, leaving you craving for more. Experience the heat and intensity of this erotic masterpiece - watch it now!
- Site: Pure Taboo
- Release Date: March 19, 2024
- Video Duration: 45:18
- Quality: 4K UHD