Skate Squad is a steamy, erotic adventure that follows the birthday celebration of Siri Dahl. When Emma Magnolia gifts Siri a pair of vintage roller skates, the two lovers decide to start their own skate squad. As they drum up support for their new club, they catch the eye of dashing skateboarder Austin Spears, who wastes no time in pursuing both of them. The trio's chance encounter leads to a sensual rendezvous that is sure to thrill and entice.
Experience the sizzling chemistry between Siri Dahl, Emma Magnolia, and Austin Spears in stunning 4K UHD quality. Join them on their provocative journey as they explore their deepest desires and indulge in passionate encounters. Skate Squad is a tantalizing rollercoaster ride of lust and pleasure that you won't want to miss. Watch the full 31:57 of this scintillating film for an unforgettable experience that will leave you breathless and wanting more.
- Site: Oopsie
- Release Date: February 19, 2024
- Video Duration: 31:57
- Quality: 4K UHD