Embark on a titillating journey with "Bratty Stewardesses" from Life Selector, released on August 3, 2024. Join the airline's trainer and teambuilder as they take on the challenge of dealing with the hot but unruly stewardesses, Angelika Grays, Matty Mila Perez, and Cherry Candle. With the help of their gorgeous assistant, Ada Lapiedra, they must change the attitudes of these bratty beauties in a weekend getaway at a villa in Spain. Watch as the tension rises, desires ignite, and passions flare in this HD1080p video lasting 55:17 minutes.
Don't miss out on the sizzling action and steamy encounters in this must-watch pornographic video. Experience the thrill of trying to tame these wild stewardesses and witness the sparks fly in every interaction. Indulge in the forbidden fantasies and captivating performances of Angelika Grays, Matty Mila Perez, Cherry Candle, and Ada Lapiedra. Get ready for an unforgettable viewing experience that will leave you begging for more. Watch "Bratty Stewardesses" now in its full version and let yourself be swept away by the intense and erotic journey that awaits.
- Site: Life Selector
- Release Date: August 3, 2024
- Video Duration: 55:17
- Quality: HD1080p